Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Well, my apologies for not posting recently, I've been pretty busy, and have not even had internet connection for 3 or 4 days now. So let's see.. what have I been up to?

After UMARMY, I stayed with the Smith boys for 4 days - that was a lot of fun and I hadn't gotten to see them for a long while. At the same time, I was working in the mornings for summer school doing some adaptive p.e. stuff. It was really cool - I got to work with a little boy named Jaime. He's so cute. He is learning to walk without using a walker or support from a teacher. He's getting really close. It's all in his head now. So that is going to be some stuff that I'll get to deal with in the upcoming year too.

Speaking of the upcoming year, I started back to work on Tuesday of this week. (yesterday) It's called NTI, or New Teacher Induction. It's a really good tool for classroom teachers, but it's hard to transfer the information to a totally different environment like PE. But it's all good. I'll make it I'm sure.

Another reason I haven't been around is because I've had so many friends here!! Wendy and Ginger were here (Wendy had to go back early for classes... boo), Julie visited, and Kat too!! It's been crazy fun.

I don't have internet connection at my *NEW * apartment still, but it will come soon enough. :o)

Gotta go. Love ya.

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