Sunday, October 02, 2005


I am going to Breakaway on Tuesday and I'd love to have anybody join me! Holler back.

AND.. I really really really want to go to Astroworld on October 22nd!!!!! It's the weekend before it closes and I WANNA GO!! So if you want to come with me that'd be awesome because I don't want to go alone!! Holler back on this as well :)

I had a great weekend in Midland, wish I wasn't so darn quiet around my family, but oh well. Got the cousin married and now I have a new cousin(in-law)!!! She's a fun one! However, I did drive all the way home (without trading drivers, thank you) and I have to be at the school tomorrow morning at 7:45 because I have a job and I have to go to work tomorrow. haha.
Softball game tomorrow night :o)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wanna go to both. a lot of my friends go to breakaway, like people in hs. yes yes yes it's a college thing but anyone really can go.


k to the kassie