Monday, November 14, 2005

It's goin alright! No huge complaints, just continually learning that I need to trust God more than I do.

Tonight, we had a softball tournament and in the second game, I hit a ball the farthest I have ever hit one!!! I was so pumped that I didn't even care that the left fielder totally caught it and got me out. :o) Oh well!! It was fun. My shoulder is sore... hmm .. now that I think about it, it's probably from me diving and tumbling for the ball (which I missed) in the first game. haha.. yeah.. that is probably it. hmph. Oh well again!! It was worth it.

There are 6 days until Thanksgiving holidays and I'm getting pumped! This weekend is gonna be interesting. Not a lot of plans... And if I don't blog before then, Happy Birthday Wendy :o)


Anonymous said...

Escritorio- Yo uso el escritorio para escribir mis notas.

Mesa- Yo uso la mesa para hacer mi tarea.

Sacapuntas- Yo uso el sacapuntas para sacar le puntas a mi lápiz.

Silla- Yo usa la silla para sentarme.

El teclado- Yo uso el teclado para escribir en la computadora.

Ratón- Yo uso el ratón escoger cosas en la computadora.

Computadora- Yo uso la computador para mandar correos electrónicos.

El reloj- Yo uso el reloj para leer la hora.

La puerta- Yo uso la puerta para entrar a mi cuarto.

Ventana- Yo uso la ventana para mirar afuera a los árboles.

Cartel- Yo uso el cartel para mis proyectos.

Mochila- Yo uso mi mochila para cargar mis libros.

Papelera- Yo uso la papelera para botar basura.

Bandera- Yo uso la bandera para cantar el himno nacional de mi país.

Pantalla- Yo uso la pantalla de mi computador para leer mis correos electrónicos.

Anonymous said...

Hey Randi!
Sorry, my email wasn't working so I had to get a friend to give me the answers to my Spanish homework another way. Clever HU?


Anonymous said...

michael! why don't YOU do your own spanish homework?!

Randi said...

Oh great, now I'm a posting board for homework. Let's hope the school district doesn't find out about this!!! ;) You're very resourceful, Michael, but please don't use me.. use Wendy or Ginger. HAHA..

g the therapist said...

What?! Thanks Randi! I love y'all and miss y'all!