Thursday, August 31, 2006

Remeber I told you about a little boy I was helping this summer? He was learning how to walk?

Well, as it does for every student who starts back to school, it takes some time to remember how to do things. He came back to school and remembered quite well all the stuff he had learned over the summer at summer school. We had gotten him to take 2 or 3 steps on his own, without any assistance from a teacher and that was pretty big because he was unsure of himself, just needed some confidence and reassurance that we were there.

Fast forward to today. Our PT came into my office and affirmed that he is walking on his own! She told me that he (on more than one occasion) took 6-8 steps on his own without falling backwards for reassurance or falling period. How exciting!! This is huge for this little guy.

This is why I love this job. It's the little things that I take for granted all the time that my students struggle with and when they succeed, it's amazing and totally gratifying.

I AM making a difference in my job. I AM successful. I AM blessed!!


Lauren said...

that is awesome

Anonymous said...

Of course you are cuz you're just great like that! :-P