Monday, December 19, 2005

As my mom says, I'm procrastinator-extraordinaire. It's just the truth. It's 12:30 on Monday afternoon and I should be moving stuff... but what am I doing? Yes, updating my blog. Be thankful that I care that you know what I've been up to. :0)

Okay - so this past week has been fun. Wendy came in town last Tuesday night. And it's been non-stop hangin out grouped with work, soccer and the moving process. So here's what we've been up to ...

Tuesday: Wendy, Julie, Kellie and I went and saw RENT. So good :)
Wednesday: I had to go to work that morning, but left early and came home and tried to pack some stuff up. Wendy and I went out to dinner at Wings then came back and watched tv and talked.
Thursday: I had work. Then Wen and I got some stuff moved from the house to the apt - probably the most productive I have been so far in this move, went to Freebirds for lunch, moved some more, I had soccer practice, then dinner at home with Mom and Wendy, followed by more tv time.
Friday: Last day of school for the semester, Faculty luncheon, moved some, went to On The Border with Kat and Wendy, watched a movie
Saturday: Went to IKEA with Mom and spent wayyyy too much money, put together some furniture, went to dinner with Wendy, Kat and Andy at TGIFriday's, W,K & I went around town taking goofy goofy pictures, stayed up til 3am
Sunday: Church, lunch at Cotton Patch with Wendy, Kat and the Don, nap, Tim's memorial, drove to Round Rock for church, ate dinner with Wendy and Andy at Pok-E-Jo's BBQ, drove home, hung out with those awesome kids (Colleen, Kyle, Val, Denise, Will and Ben) along with Kat, Wendy and the Don, stayed up til 2am

And now it's Monday... and I'm being so anti-productive on this moving thing it's not even funny. I gotta get some shoes on and turn off the computer. Only a few more days until Christmas!! We leave Saturday morning for Midland and we will return Tuesday.

Merry Christmas everyone !! I love you all !!

1 comment:

g the therapist said...

I'm so jealous - you got to hang out with all the (newbie) college kids, Kat, AND my awesome sister! Have a great time in Midland - love you!