Saturday, December 17, 2005

So.. I've been moving. That's why the lack of updates. Also, soccer takes a lot out of me so when I come home I do next to nothing. If I get the chance, I'll take pics of the new apt and post them on here.
Wendy came in town earlier this week, so that's another reason for not posting - we've been hangin out and having fun and whatnot. She's been a big help to both Kat and I during this move. I know that I'm nowhere near done so it's going to take a few more days. There's also the possibility that we won't have internet or cable until next Thursday. Seems kind of silly.. I guess I should be able to do without both, but when all of my friends are gone, most of my entertainment is gone too. It will be a good time to watch some movies, hang out with my mom and/or dad and get the apartment into a settled state. Oh yeah, and get ready for Christmas packing, etc.
It's kind of odd that I only have 2 weeks off for Christmas this year. I'm so used to having 3 weeks at least. It's all good though.
Sorry if this post is lacking in energy - I'm sorta tired and just trying to get the info out :o)
Ginger gets home next week!!! This is something I'm pumped about. It's been weird not seeing her at all for the past ... 4 months. Only 4 months?? Yikes... Ah well, I'll have all my friends in one state for at least .... (it's too late to be figuring out this math..) 5 days is a good round guess. I'm sure it's more than that.
I'm off to dream land! Mom and I are going to Houston tomorrow for a short period of time so I can get some furniture for the new apt :o) Yay!

1 comment:

g the therapist said...

Yep - tomorrow makes officially 4 months in Cameroon - seems like 4 years! I can't wait to come home and see everyone - I love you!