Thursday, December 01, 2005

Well, this week has been insane. Not necessarily a bad insane, but insane nonetheless. Soccer tryouts started this week and that was fun but hard. It has been wearing me out physically and giving me some stress, but I'll get used to it. :)

Today, Dec 1, is World AIDS Day. There are statistics everywhere telling us about how this disease is running rampant. And it frustrates us because we feel so overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and widespread devastation of it all. But, unfortunately for me, as I listened to Oprah tonight on the Late Show, she said something that made a lot of sense to me. (And for the record, I was watching David Letterman, not the Oprah Show...) She said that the world is not doing its part. The world could make a huge difference if every person just did what they could. Not what they feel like, but what they can.

Like the body of the church, we are called to use our gifts according to the grace given us. (Romans 12:4-8) This includes so much!! Paul says to give according to our faith, whether it is baby faith or mature faith, as long as we are sharing the Word of God, nothing is lost! (Philippians 1:18) Paul says serve, teach, and encourage. He says to do all of this generously, diligently and cheerfully!!

So if we do what we can, whether that be through vigilant prayer, traveling to give a personal hand and smile, or to give monetarily, do what you can. But do it generously, diligently and cheerfully. Give to the orphans and widows in their distress -- our world, and through your serving in love and kindness, you will serve God! (James 1:27)

Have a wonderful weekend!! Happy Holidays!

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