Thursday, June 16, 2005

Another birthday come and gone...

I had a great weekend and lots of fun with the friends. Not so much fun with Mike, but that's okay, if you know me, you know what happened.

I was blessed by many cards and phone calls and am so thankful for each one of you!!

The week has turned out to be restful; I did, however, start back to work for Traci on Tuesday. It's been the same old routine; seems like nothing has changed or like I ever left. I've been doing more work getting a job lined up for the fall and I have my eyes out there, like hawks.. well maybe more like pigeons, but they always know where the food is, so it's a good analogy. ;)

I've had a really great day today!! I got an email today that told me I would be receiving my teaching certificate in the mail soon so that was REALLY exciting. And then my dad got me a late birthday present!!! He gave me A SPURS PILLOW !!!! AHHH!!! I have just been loving on that thing all night long.. I LOVE IT. GO SPURS GO.

I'm trying to be more encouraging and accepting of others so please help me with that.

And, I want to get back into the routine of working out/running. I realized early this week that I am always in a better mood when I get moving and sweat. However, I am yet to begin this routine because I plan it for when I wake up in the morning.... Well, I really have nothing to get up for, so I sleep as long as I want and I usually talk myself out of it because it's hot by 9am... Soo.. I've gotta figure out a way to get myself out and runnin' .. any suggestions? I've got plenty of ideas, it's just putting one into practice and keeping up the routine.

Anywho - I had a really good talk with some of my friends earlier this week and hopefully our discussion will make all of our lives easier and make the lives of those around us more pleasant. :o)

Kat - If you're reading this, I made Ginger and Wendy aware of the past operation "Capioera" and they are full in knowledge, actually wanting to be more informed, so expect an email from them soon... hehe.. Love you girl and miss you SO much.

As for the rest of you crazy nuts out there - please call me or email me or somethin - I miss everyone and love you all to bits!!

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