Saturday, June 04, 2005

Wow, this week has been insane... -ly awesome. I started out the week with Camp Adventure during the day and immediately after, soccer camp! Yeah, I've been pooped all week but it's been worth it. Wow.. that's pretty much all I've done :o) I have been getting a lot of heckling from certain people (not just mom) to get on the ball and get more job stuff done. And trust me, I've got the message. It's getting to the point to where if I don't find a job soon, I might not have one. So this afternoon will be dedicated to doing just that; filling out applications online and offline, fine-tuning the resume, and getting stuff done. I can't afford to jack around any more with this. As much I want to just relax, this has got to become priority #1 for my weekend. No, week. No, life.
I'm goin to lunch with Wendy, so I need to get ready for the day and then head out. Hopefully I'll get a chance later to write a little bit more. Please be praying for me in my job search!! Oh! And say a prayer for Kat Stock too - she's safely in Brazil :o)

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