Monday, June 27, 2005

and now for something completely out of the ordinary...

Just beware of what you're about to read..

11:50 pm, Sunday
Today has been ... a ... good? day ?

I don't know. It started out good I think.. I went to church.. I don't think that can necessarily be a bad thing. This woman spoke today about being "improbable" ... I'm not sure I like the way I took it. I know what she was trying to say, but I took it as like, my dreams, my goals right now are improbable. Like they probably won't happen. And I hope it's not like that.. but that is what it feels like right now..

I have this really good friend named Kellie. And she told me that she regards me as a mentor. But tonight we have switched roles.

(2 hours later...)
1:30am, Monday
Have you ever thought about life? And never had the words to describe it? That is how I felt earlier.. but somehow, Kellie helped me to find the words. She listened. And I listened to what my heart was telling me and I put them into words.

They say good friends are hard to find, but I know exactly where to find them because I already have them. I have been so blessed to have friends to believe in me and love me and love God and trust in Him. It seems like I never had that growing up - I mean, yeah, highschool is extremely fake simply because everyone is immature, but I mean, only 5 years later we can be so much more mature and able to think and verbalize and just be better people. It's nuts. But it's awesome.

Kellie says that good talks are priceless. I say that good friends are priceless... and that I am SO rich.


Anonymous said...


Good talks are amazing. I've had plenty w/you. At first I always thought you like disliked me, but you are so awesome. I've learned SOO much from you. You are a gift from God. Good friends are priceless but God plants them in your life for things like that!
I love you Randi!!!

Randi said...

Aw Thanks Kassie :) I love ya back.