Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Yes, the countdown has begun.....

Wow! So today was not so bad at all!! It was a relatively easy day, and I think this is because I didn't have a few of my groups today due to schedule changes and such. Tomorrow should go well also because of more schedule changes AND the fact that the kids are not going swimming tomorrow should make a huge difference. The swimming part of the day is cool for the kids simply because they get some swim lessons and "unstructured" play time, but it's a pain for all the counselors because of the traveling and everything. So tomorrow should go well. At the end of the day, I get to take one of the boy groups over to the Corps Center instead of do arts and crafts :) Yay! They don't like a&c so much anyways, so I'd figure, "let's take em to see a bunch of guns" hahah... We'll see how it goes.

I am not as tired today as I have been, which is a great feeling. My birthday is in 3 days :)

That's all I've got for now. Not a lot of news on the homefront... Which could be good or bad! But we'll say it's good today.

Have a wonderful evening!!

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