Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Good and bad

Hey so if you haven't heard, I got a job!! Whoop! Yeah! I'm gonna be working in the Lifeskills room at the highschool in College Station. Basically, I'll be an aide, but I'm okay with that. I am just happy to have a job and to have some income coming in soon. I don't know if I was totally up front and honest with myself, because it is less than what I could have, but because I didn't work hard enough early on in the game, I am here. And I'm not going to look at it as being stuck here, but more as an opportunity to grow and learn. I'm looking forward to being in this environment and to get into the groove of how districts and schools actually work. Student teaching doesn't really show you that part.

... ... ...

I just thought of something really really sad. Wow. Ginger is leaving tomorrow. Gosh, that does not make me happy. I absolutely hate saying goodbye. We had breakfast yesterday morning (on Monday) and I couldn't say bye. I just had to say see you later... I mean, how do you say goodbye to a best friend? I've never understood that. I didn't feel this way at highschool graduation... probably because I didn't have close friends like Ginger and Wendy and Kat. It's one of the worst feelings ever.. How stinky.

I am going to miss you, Ginger, SO MUCH!! You bring me smiles all the time and even though I roll my eyes when you crack corny jokes or bust out in song, I envy your joy. Thank you for being so good and nice to me. Thank you for being an older sister to me and for caring so much and wanting so much for me. You are a true friend and you have such a caring heart. I will miss you so so much and I will definitely miss your quirks and fun habits that made me roll my eyes on the outside, but made my heart smile all the time.

Things just keep getting better tonight .. off to bed.

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