Monday, January 10, 2005

whoo hooo! Monday, Monday.. nah na, na na na na. na na, na na na na. (old song, don't ask. i probably learned it from listening to 'light rock' when i was younger.) Today went well! The kids did their weekly running thing. Roadrunner. It was probably the easiest day I've had yet! And probably the easiest until next week! Haha. All I did today was hold a hole-punch and punch holes in little cards. And yell. We (the other coaches and I) had a lot of yelling. I often forget how kids like to push and be mean when they are running. I think I missed that part of elementary school. Does anyone else remember this?
Anywho - after school, Coach H and I went to a meeting. Woo hoo. There were about 7 teachers in there, with the principal and basically they were like the "executive council" of the school or something. I dunno. It was okay. It got long - luckily, Coach needed to leave around 4:30, so I got out early too! hehe. It was sneaky.
Got back to CS, well, Bryan.. Been sittin at home ever since! It's only 9pm and I'm sleepy.... sooooo Goodnight!

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