Monday, September 19, 2005

okay so i was thinkin ... you know, there's been horrible devastation with Hurricane Katrina, and all these statistics and it all just boggles my mind. 6 major hurricanes in 13 months? Charley, Frances, Ivan, Jeanne (all in 2004), Dennis, and Katrina (in 2005). And recently Ophelia (which I'm not sure was "major") and, coming soon to an evacuation route near you, Rita. What is going on?! Seriously! I dunno.. It's so weird. Rita is headed straight for the Texas coast, where so many New Orleans residents are currently living. It seems that this storm is headed right for the area that has been giving so much relief and so much care to those displaced peoples. I have heard some comments about how God used Katrina to "cleanse" New Orleans, when funnily enough, the French Quarter which is a pretty dirty place seems to be the least affected by the storm. It's open and partially functioning while some homes are still under water and are uninhabitable. So I've kind of blown that assumption or excuse off. And you know, some people say that this is God's wrath being poured out on these people because of their lifestyles and I'm not so sure I agree with that either. I believe that God is love and that He has sent His Son to pay for our sins and that He has given us free will. I believe that God's wrath and anger ended with the new covenant. I don't know if any of that has biblical base, but it's what I think.

So now, with Rita headed our way, I think this is partially Satan, wanting to get to us. Because we've poured so much caring and love into these people, Satan is wanting us to feel down and kind of .. punish us? for helping out. I dunno.. these are just thoughts.

Also, there have been all these benefits and concerts to help out the relief efforts in the wake of Katrina. And I'm all for that don't get me wrong. If I had the financial ability to give money then I'd do it. But what, not irks, but .. challenges me to think is that all these benefits have names that include the word hope. And I don't really know why. I mean, yeah, it's because they want to let the people of New Orleans and Louisiana that there is hope after the chaos. But I wish that they would use the word love.

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