Sunday, September 11, 2005

One short entry cuz it's late ... more to come about today, I swear it.

The night at Taco C w/ Menges and Kat at about oh, 11:30ish..

Laura: Okay so I have this stat professor who is the devil.. His name is Dr. Wang and...(he's this little Chinese man) (Kat and Randi laugh, not hearing the little Chinese man part) .. how old are you Randi? Okay, and so he is always bragging about himself.. (more loud racous laughter from Kat and Randi) And he's only like, 4 feet tall ..(large burst of laughter from Kat and Randi)

Kat: Thank you Randi, for joining me in the gutter..

Laura finishes her story which is still somewhat funny, but the set up was the best part.

Oh, and happy birthday, the Don. :o) (Sept 12)

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